It had been a stressful night on Saturday, the train strike had caused issues getting Raffy to the dog sitter’s, and Jane wasn’t able to drop him off until after 8pm, which meant that our travel plans of driving down to Southampton were postponed until this morning and all the pre-departure checks were more than a little fraught. We departed at 07:30, heading down to New Milton where the car was going to be left with Jane’s Dad for the duration. The drive down was uneventful, and we were in New Milton before 10am and the bags transferred to John’s
Category: QV Greek Islands 2023
QV Greek Island Cruise 2023

Today’s Daily Programme can be found here…. We seem to have got a wriggle on since leaving Southampton and according to the Navigation information on the stateroom TV we are just south of the Bay of Bengal. A quick look out beyond the balcony shows that not to be true as we’ve a chilly overcast start to the day. Google Maps tells the truth and places us just turning around the tip of France off the coast by Brest. Everything is a little messed up this morning, my watch is also lying to me as it’s merrily switched to French

Today’s Daily Programme can be found here… The clocks went forward overnight so we lost an hour, luckily I was in bed nice and early, so when I woke early it felt like I’d had a good night’s sleep. After a quick shower we both made it up to the PG dining room to get some breakfast. We had a full house this morning with all six of us at the table. This was by far the worst meal of the voyage so far, one of my poached eggs with my smoked haddock was overcooked and the yolk was solid.

Today’s Daily Programme can be found here… We’re in Cadiz today, a city we’ve visited many times, and we love it but there’s an issue. I’m full of a cold, probably the first proper cold since COVID, and I feel terrible so after a late breakfast where we were alone at our table, we headed into Cadiz with the sole intention of finding a Farmacia, luckily there’s a couple dotted around Cadiz. Actually there are probably more Farmacia than bars. I wanted some COVID lateral flow tests, as we’d neglected to pack any, some Lemsip or the Spanish equivalent and

Today’s Daily Programme can be found here… I’d had a better night’s sleep than yesterday, but for better just read an awful night’s sleep, with a pounding head, sore throat, and constant cough. I did sleep longer though so I’m feeling less drained than yesterday I dragged myself out of bed for a shower and we headed up to breakfast where we had a full table. I should have realised I was flagging as I didn’t finish my breakfast, but the act of getting up had shaken things up a little and I felt a little better. After breakfast we

Today’s Daily Programme can be found here….. I had another terrible night’s sleep, all I could think about was I really needed a Lemsip and that the ship’s shops had nothing for cold relief, oddly they did stock tampons and condoms when I’m sure there isn’t a massive demand for either given the demographic onboard. We woke late, probably because I’d been restless all night and Jane ended up having to rush to get to breakfast before it closed. I had a request for some honey, lemon and a portion of Bircher muesli. Which she returned with at about 10

Today’s Daily Programme can be found here… It was hard losing the hour last night especially as we had a bit of a late one (for us) but I slept far better than the previous few nights, only being woken a couple of times due to a coughing fit. We’d remembered to set our timepieces and when I woke at 7:45 it was 7:45 which meant I managed to start off the day without getting shouted at, a rare and nice event. I did allow Jane to sleep a little too long though and she didn’t surface until ten to

Today’s Daily Programme can be found here…. Another night and another slightly better sleep, I woke at 07:45 just as we were docking at the port of Heraklion in Crete. This is an unscheduled replacement for Mykonos where forecasted high winds made the tendering there unsafe. There’s a slight problem this morning, Jane has a slightly scratchy throat, which may be down to the Air-con, but may equally be my lurgy. Although I never had a scratchy throat. I went to breakfast alone with instructions to bring back a Bircher muesli and some honey, I got half of the order correct,

I slept much, much better, admittedly waking early at 06:15, to find we were already at dock in Piraeus. The view today wasn’t so nice, with the Cruise Terminal opposite. We’ve been to Athens a few times and Jane needs to get some more laundry out of the way, plus three consecutive days out may be a bit tiring given I’m still getting over my cold. I was all set to head to do the laundry again before breakfast when she decided that I wasn’t to be trusted. How am I ever going to be able to get my little

Today’s Daily Programme can be found here… It was bright and sunny this morning and when I opened the curtains of the stateroom we were already in Santorini. I’d have said moored up, but as the bay at Santorini is 400 meters deep, I think that is beyond our anchor chains, apparently we are holding station using the engines. I’m now pretty much back to health, I’m sleeping well and only have the occasional cough which is good. Our trip today is another late one, we have to meet up in the Queens room at 12:45 so we decided to