Today’s Daily Programme can be found here….. I had another terrible night’s sleep, all I could think about was I really needed a Lemsip and that the ship’s shops had nothing for cold relief, oddly they did stock tampons and condoms when I’m sure there isn’t a massive demand for either given the demographic onboard. We woke late, probably because I’d been restless all night and Jane ended up having to rush to get to breakfast before it closed. I had a request for some honey, lemon and a portion of Bircher muesli. Which she returned with at about 10
Category: Sea Days

Today’s Daily Programme can be found here… It was hard losing the hour last night especially as we had a bit of a late one (for us) but I slept far better than the previous few nights, only being woken a couple of times due to a coughing fit. We’d remembered to set our timepieces and when I woke at 7:45 it was 7:45 which meant I managed to start off the day without getting shouted at, a rare and nice event. I did allow Jane to sleep a little too long though and she didn’t surface until ten to

Today’s Daily Programme can be found here… Today is our first sea day for what seems like an age but is only 4 days, so after a good nights sleep it was back to planning my morning. First we had to get breakfast out of the way so we had a quick shower and headed up to the PG restaurant for something to eat. After the Bircher muesli I’d ordered a mushroom and chilli omelette with a side order of black pudding, when it arrived it was indeed an omelette, with mushroom and chilli, but with a slice of something

Today’s Daily Programme can be found here… We got a very welcome extra hour in bed with the clocks going back overnight as we transited towards Italy, this was needed as our stateroom was incredibly hot last night which meant Jane struggled to sleep and it was only when we propped open the balcony door that it became bearable for sleeping. Although this presented Jane with a whole other bunch of issues, what if we sleepwalk and fall over board and there were a lot of extra noises/lack of noises to contend with. I had just kicked off my covers

Today’s Daily Programme can be found here… The room temperature is all over the place, I woke some time after midnight, sweating, having kicked off my covers, then after dropping off again I woke about 4am, this time freezing, it’s as if the air-con kicked in some time during the night. I eventually woke properly at about 7 am, it was still cold in the room, and pitch black as I wandered over to the balcony curtains to let in a little light, it was still dark outside and as we were steaming West there wasn’t even a hint of

Today’s Daily Programme can be found here… The room temperature seems to have normalised, the air-con setting is fully in the blue, but the cabin is no longer very warm, it’s not a cold as you’d expect where the dial is set, but it was fresh overnight. Captain Hoyte had promised stormy and unsettled weather for the last couple of days which hadn’t materialised and this morning was no different with a mirror flat sea. I’ve settled into a bit of a breakfast routine with Bircher muesli followed by a couple of slices of sourdough, english bacon and fried eggs,

Today’s Daily Programme can be found here… The seas were quite rough overnight, with a lot of creaking in the stateroom, it wasn’t particularly rough compared with a trans Atlantic cruise but we have been blessed with mirror like seas for the majority of this cruise it does seem a bit bouncy. I had a busy schedule of Insight lectures starting at 10 am so after a shower and breakfast I headed down to the Royal Court Theatre for Captain John Hutchinson’s talk on the Air France Concorde tragedy and the end of Concorde. The second of the Insight’s programme

Today’s Daily Programme can be found here… The end is nigh, The sea overnight was a lot calmer even though we were in the Bay of Biscay where experience says it’s going to be lumpy in October After a quick shower and breakfast we set about killing some time to allow Myra our cabin stewardess to tidy up, so we headed down to the Winter Garden with our table mates for the 10 am quiz. We must be getting brainier as we head North as this was another quiz where we just missed out on top spot 17/20 with 18

The clocks went forward overnight, which meant that when I woke up I was a little confused about what time it actually was my watch said seven am, and I assumed that because my watch was tied to my Garmin account and GPS time it would not change. so I started bustling around the room thinking it was actually eight am and needed to get ready for breakfast. Needless to say Jane was annoyed to be woken at seven and I was told to get back to bed. It was a glorious morning, flat calm seas and a cloud free

I had a disturbed night with a work call from Asia at 02:45, I informed them I was on holiday and to speak to my colleague and tried to get back to sleep, which took a while. I woke for a second time at 08:30 to a grey old Amsterdam morning, and promptly managed to knock over my water glass trying to turn on the bedside light. Today was not starting well! Nicely showered we headed down to the MDR for breakfast, there was a queue for the first time on the voyage, probably because we’d departed Amsterdam earlier and