Today’s Daily Programme is here ….
I had had a serious accident cycling to work during lock down. I’d hit a pothole and was thrown off my bike, landing awkwardly, the head of my femur punched through my pelvis breaking it into four places. This morning was the first time on a treadmill for me since this accident, so I have decided to have a go at the couch to 5km while aboard. Needless to say I have zero fitness after three years of idleness and working from home. The gym was fairly quiet with about 30% of the machines in use so I had no trouble grabbing myself a treadmill. I prefer the gym on QM2, for a start I can actually use the treadmills, on the Vistas there isn’t enough headroom for me to stand in them, never mind running, plus the equipment has had a makeover since my 2019 cruise.

After the workout I headed back to the room via the Carinthia where I hoped to get a Bircher Muesli pot, but was disappointed to find it all closed up, so I walked through Kings Court buffet where they had a granola pot, so I took one of those for Jane.
After a shower I went to the dining room for a quick breakfast, I was tempted to have a “Full English” since Jane was having room service, but I was restrained and had an omelette instead.
There was a trivia quiz in the Carinthia Lounge at 10:30 so we headed there, I grabbed a table for us while Jane investigated getting a hair appointment. She wanted to have a practice run before Wednesday’s wedding. The quiz was properly difficult, the winning teams scored 11/20 which is a far lowest score than I’ve seen in a long time.

The Insights Lectures started with Keith Appleton, who was one of the guest speakers on our last QA cruise, and while I enjoyed his talks, I gave his “my life as a spook” lecture a miss and waited until Markus Steblei’s Solar System lecture at 12:15.
We had a lovely lunch in the dining room, my starter was as tiny as it was delicious, but the Tuna Poke bowl I had as a main was a better size. We had a meeting booked with Veronica, the Captain’s secretary, to thrash out all of the itinerary for Wednesday, so until then we just chilled, with a look into the Pavilion Pool, the Concierge Lounge and and then the room where Jane had a little rest.

The meeting was in the Commodore Club where Jane finalised her vows, apparently there is no “Obey” in there, what is the world coming to? The ceremony is in the Boardroom and will be officiated over by Captain Andrew Hall, which is nice. There was lots of stuff about Bell Boys, photographs hair and make-up, it did get interesting for a little while, when the discussion moved onto cake but then it was back to music and pressing garments.
After that I headed back to the room and Jane headed off to have a practice hair-do, all ready for the Formal evening tonight, the menus for which can be found on the Daily Menu section of this blog.
Jane has come back from the hairdressers and she’s not happy with the results. I think she looks wonderful but apparently there’s a Crystal Tips vibe going on, for anyone not aware she was a 70’s cartoon character who had a triangular perm. Personally I don’t see it, but I’m a bloke and therefore know nothing.

We had a full table for dinner with all eight of us all looking very dapper in DJs and glamorous frocks. Dinner was excellent yet again. Seared tuna loin to start and Rib of Beef as a main and a delightful Olive Oil cake and Gran Marnier dessert. Two of our table mates had started early intending to head down to the Queens Room for a bit of dancing, but they fell foul of the curse of the large table. When you’re having a good time it’s hard to drag yourself away. I had to remind them when I’d finished my meal, that they were supposed to be downstairs, dancing.