We only had one in the Commodore Club, before heading back to the room for a nap, apparently it’s the done thing when you are our age ? Nap over and it was off to dinner, it was a Formal night tonight, so Jane was looking extra smart in the new gown. There was a minor issue with half the beads on the neckline were falling off, but not having a sewing kit and that it still didn’t look too bad, she went with it. It will be going back to the shop when we return. Dinner was another success

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Lazy, lazy, lazy, the alarm went off as usual, at 06.50 and being a bad person I just rolled over and went back to sleep for half an hour. My first day off from running. We have arrived in Piraeus, and I now have internet access on my MIFI, so I did some housekeeping on the blog. It has really eaten up my free minutes on the ship’s internet.  Breakfast was taken before leaving the ship and heading off for the Piraeus Metro station. It was a simple operation to get a day ticket (4.50 Euro) and since there is

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